8 Easy Ways to Quit Bad Habits

Bad Habits

Everyone wants to get rid of their bad habits and live a better life. However, Habits are part of our lives, our brains are worn to do them unknowingly such as throwing a wet towel in bed or having dinner in front of the TV. Also, bad habits are associated with pleasure, which makes it difficult to watch porn or take drugs.

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1. Define what you need to change:

Stop going to the gym or waking up late are good habits that everyone needs to do. However, you need to tell your mind what to do, You need to break these desirable habits into small, worthy things. For example, avoid eating any oily or street food and make sure to go to the gym. Likewise, deciding the time to sleep and wake up and then stick to it. These specific, remarkable things are easier than dream habits.

2. Identify troublemakers: 

Seeing a local hot dog seller is enough to entice you to eat it. There are some things that change your mind set and make you do one thing you don’t want. These are called haters, and you need to identify them first. So, you can work around them. Another example of a trigger is a football match that wakes you up late and disrupts your sleep cycle. This indirectly causes you to wake up late.

3. Dealing with these problems: 

The first way to stop the villain from being killed is to destroy its source. Your villain is the trigger, and you have to come up with ways to avoid them. For example, driving on a separate lane so that you do not deactivate a local hot dog vendor or sports channel that prevents you from watching a football match. 

4. Develop an option plan: 

One mistake that people make is not to replace habits. For example, you stopped eating hot dogs in the morning, which would make you hungry. Even if you don’t want to eat it, hunger will make you. So, now you need to find a different food that you can eat and hot dog will not come in your mind. Likewise, when you leave football or live matches, you need a substitute for your sports passion, such as watching another sport or taking up a hobby. Ales, you can see the highlights that are quick and mentally connect you with your passion.

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5. Change Big Picture: 

To be healthy, you go on a healthy vegetarian diet or go to the gym in the morning or lunch when it is easy to go. Similarly, stay away from your die-hard football fan who tells you about football. By doing this, you are distancing yourself from football and indirectly staying away from waking up late. These small steps will be your big hand in beating your bad habits.

6. Use Reminders: 

Many times, we plan everything but are unable to execute them due to lack of awareness or failure to identify the trigger. In such a situation, you can set a reminder to go to the gym or eat healthy. These signs will keep you in check for your habits.

7. Seek help from anywhere else: 

It is difficult to do something alone. Therefore, you can go to the gym with a friend or have a healthy diet with your friend. You both need to pull each other when you are about to make a bad habit or miss your schedule. This will make your work much easier. The best examples of this are AA meetings.

8. Adopt a reward or punitive approach: 

If you are sticking to your schedule, you can reward yourself with anything other than a bad habit such as buying a game or going out after a certain period of hard work. Likewise, if you don’t give up on your bad habit, you can punish yourself by selling your console or going out. 

These habits are in your mind. It will take a long time to get out of them.     

Therefore, be patient and be consistent with your approach, and after a period, you will see results.

These are some steps that you can incorporate in your routine to stay away from bad habits.