He Saved 669 Jewish Children From The Holocaust – And He Had No Idea They Were Sitting Next To Him


Sir Nicholas Winton is a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 Czechoslovakian children, mostly Jewish, from Nazi-controlled Czechoslovakia prior to the start of WWII in an operation known as the Czech Kindertransport. Winton found homes for these children and arranged for their passage to Britain.

Sir Nicholas Winton kept quiet about his humanitarian efforts and went largely unrecognized until 1988, when his wife found a scrapbook containing a detailed list of the children he saved, complete with photos and the addresses of the homes that took them in. After sending letters to these addresses, 80 of those he rescued were found in Britain.

This is a clip from a BBC program aired in 1988, called “That’s Life”, where Sir Nicholas Winton meets with some of those he helped rescue from the war.