How to Make Instagram Followers Buy Your Product

Instagram Followers

Establishing an online presence is a very challenging task, especially on Instagram. However, it is a necessary step for every business, and marketers need to take for their brand to generate sales. While accumulating a user base that follows your business account is vital, it is just the first step in generating revenue. The most critical phase of Instagram marketing is the process is converting followers to customers. Getting likes and shares is good for your account, but at the end of the day, your goal is to persuade your followers to buy what you are offering to them.

While the process of converting an Instagram ‘like’ into a real purchase might be easier said than done, there are several strategies that social media experts use to achieve that. Luckily, below we are going to provide some tips on how to make your followers buy your product or services.

Engage your followers through conversation.

Most of the time, brands focus on providing their followers’ pictures and videos to like and share instead of taking the initiative to talk to them directly about what their brand is offering. What brands can do is create a video asking their followers about the things they like about their products or services and how their brand help with their problems. This way, people who haven’t tried your brand will more likely get intrigued and eventually buy one. Moreover, it will also encourage getting new followers since most people believe what others say about a brand.

Be original with each of your posts.

While it is also beneficial to share other people’s content that is relevant to your niche, it is best to provide original content to your followers but if you can’t then use instagram downloader free tools to download content from instagram but remember that they should not be brand specific but instead, they should be general content and at the same time relevant to your niche. This will generate interest among your followers in the long run instead of giving them content that can be seen elsewhere. Even if it cost you, better invest money and time in providing high-quality content with your followers to keep them engage and interested in your brand. Once you have established your presence, turn your post into something that would persuade them to buy your brand.

Offer discounts and promotions.

Another yet obvious way to make your followers buy your brand is to offer them discounts or freebies. This will encourage your followers to act quickly and take advantage of this exclusive opportunity. For example, you can post a picture and ask your followers to like and share your post in exchange for a discount code. You can also launch an Instagram contest to encourage your followers to promote and use your brand through user-generated content in exchange for freebies. 

However, when launching an event like an Instagram contest, don’t forget to incorporate Instagram hashtags. By using hashtags, it will boost your visibility and reach people that are likely to have an interest in what you are offering. You can use hashtag generator tools like to easily identify trending and popular hashtags within your niche and include them on your promotional post.

Tell them your brand’s story.

Another effective way to convert your followers into customers is by developing a closer relationship. For instance, you can use IGTV to IG stories about how your company started and how your products are made. You can give them some behind the scenes video about your brand’s current events to bring them closer and keep them engaged. You can even ask your employees to make video testimonies where they will discuss why they love your company and why they would highly recommend your brand. Telling your story is one of the surefire ways to drive customer conversion on Instagram.

Highlight your customer service.

Providing excellent customer service is vital to every business for them to stay in the market in the long run. If you have happy customers, encourage them to post their experience with your customer service on Instagram and share it with their friends and colleagues. Encourage them also to include your branded famous hashtags on their post to your followers will see how excellent your customer service is. This way, your followers will be more likely to purchase the product themselves.

Final Thought

Getting your followers to buy your product is not an easy task. It would be best if you established trust and confidence first. Make sure to follow these simple steps above to develop relationships and establish credibility with your followers. In this way, it would be easier for you to turn them into real customers