Consider these points before you buy a blood pressure monitor

blood pressure monitor

High and low blood pressure is one of the most common yet important concerns in today’s time. Not just old age people, but young ones too are nowadays suffering from blood pressure problems. Statistics revealed that high blood pressure causes nearly 1000 deaths a day. Almost 30% of Americans were accounted to have prehypertension which raises the risk of developing high blood pressure. High blood pressure can affect and increase the risk of heart, brain, kidney, and other diseases. It should always be kept in check, it is tough to visit a doctor every time there is a blood pressure issue, thanks to digital technology which has introduced portable blood pressure monitor.  

There are various types of portable blood pressure monitors available. It gets tough to choose which one is the best amongst all types. 

Below mentioned are the factors/points to consider while you are buying a portable blood pressure monitor:

  • Features and prices do matter but the most important thing to consider at first is to check the company behind the brand. It is preferred that the digital blood pressure monitor which you choose should be from a manufacturer with a strong and good record in the medical sector.
  • Check for the certification from a respected agency.
  • Search for a system that provides irregular heartbeat detection. This functionality can ensure greater consistency in patients with an irregular heartbeat condition that is frequently unnoticed but can confuse BP to monitor software without this ability.
  • Make sure the digital blood pressure monitor has a warranty of at least 2 years. If it is more than 5 years you may still have to replace with an upgraded  electronic blood pressure monitor after certain years because of the technology updates
  • Try not to overpay for the device. 
  • The size of the cuff is by far the most important attribute to review when choosing a blood pressure monitor.  The size has to do with the diameter of your upper arm. A cuff that just doesn’t fit your arm properly can give you incorrect readings.
  • Ignore all the bells and whistles. They raise the expense of the monitor and are often unnecessary.  Bluetooth networking and saving your cloud readings are great features, but you don’t even need them. “You don’t have to pay more than $40 to $60 for a proper, clinician-approved blood pressure monitor that’s only going to do the job well
  • A / C adapter: a good feature to have if you intend to use the device on a daily basis and keep the device plugged in and on your screen. If you’re intending to put it in a drawer after each reading, it’s of little use.
  • Take three tests. This function may help improve the accuracy of the monitor: taking three measurements automatically. Some bp wizard blood pressure monitor sensors do this every time you check your blood pressure. They collect the first reading; wait for 30 to 60 seconds and take the second reading; then wait for another 30 to 60 seconds and take the final calculation. “This is useful because it averages your three readings, which would actually reflect your real blood pressure more closely than your first reading alone.