How to avoid making any silly mistakes in NEET 2020?

How to avoid making any silly mistakes in NEET 2020?

NEET aspirants spend years in preparation so that they can score top result in NEET. Some of them get enrolled in the best medical coaching institute in Delhi whereas some take classes from a long-distance course. Great efforts are what describe the entire preparation time of these aspirants but imagine losing all of it because of a silly mistake!

NEET exam pattern is OMR based and students need to shade the circles for the right answer option. It does sound quite easy but only in words. OMR based tests can be tricky to attempt and students tend to make more mistakes in this type of test.

So here we have mentioned useful tips that you can practice to avoid any sort of silly mistakes on the final examination day-

Practice more of mock tests and test series

All India Test series for NEET and Mock Tests give you a lot of exposure to the exact NEET test patter. Use them to improve your time management skills. Students often make this silly mistake of taking too much or too little time on a single question. To avoid any sort of time imbalance try to solve as many mock tests as you can and always set a stopwatch on 180 minutes which is the total time that you get to attempt 180 questions of NEET.

When sitting in the examination hall take a deep breath and relax

Becoming nervous is of no use and will only worsen your exam anxiety. Try to relax by taking deep breaths and avoid dwelling on any negative thoughts. A two or five minutes of meditation will also help where you can only focus on your breathing pattern and calm your mind.

Avoid making mistakes in the calculation part

Use the clean side of the rough sheet for calculations. Scribbling calculations on the used sheet will only make you confused and will also waste your time. Concentrate on the problem in hand and don’t get distracted during the calculation part as it can make you end up on a wrong answer.

Go through each and every question thoroughly

Before reading the options first go through the question thoroughly only after which move forward to shade the bubble for the right answer.

Don’t be in a hurry when shading a bubble on the OMR sheet

There are certain rules when it comes to using OMR sheet and you must follow them to avoid any sort of silly mistakes. The rules are written on the sheet and you must go through them first before starting to attempt the test.

Prohibit yourself from any sort of guesswork!

NEET scoring system comes with the element of negative marking and guesswork will only make you loose on your marks. First attempt every question that you are sure of and then take upon the questions which you are unsure about. Try to think of the correct answer and if you are unable to come up with one in your mind then just leave that question instead of attempting it and then getting negative marking.

Have confidence in yourself and your years of hard work

Confidence is the ultimate mantra to excel in NEET! Know that you have studied from the best study material for PMT and that will definitely help you when attempting the test. Have faith in your preparation and go ahead with confidence.